I went into a 3 day coma when I was 27 years old

I had a lot of health problems in my mid to late twenties, mostly leg injuries, nerve pain, and other things. I couldn’t work and had moved back home with my parents. Eventually I became well enough to go back to school and got a girlfriend for 6 months. Near the end of the relationship I reaggravated my old injury to my leg real bad, then we broke up and I spent a year barely walking because I would get stabbing nerve pain and didn’t know how to deal with it. Because I wasn’t walking, my health declined rapidly. My hairline receded a little and my hair felt dead and straw-like. I started having heart palpitations and weird reactions. A few times I went to the hospital bc my heart was racing 150 bpm for hours and I was having a panic attack. I couldn’t take any sort of prescription that any doc gave me bc my body was rapidly losing its ability to process drugs. Basicslly I was chock full of dysfunction and hormonal imbalance.

I stupidly decided to do a low-sodium diet. This is ultimately what did me in. I thought it would stop the heart palpitations because I read some bad info online. I used to smoke weed before this but was becoming so unwell I couldn’t even handle weed anymore. I also stupidly decided to try edibles when my body was completely depleted of electrolytes from my low-sodium diet.

I felt good for a while, so I decided to take another bite. Then I just kept getting higher and higher until it was starting to scare me and I started getting anxiety. I remember walking around outside of my parents house while they were asleep thinking how I didn’t want to die yet, but feeling an impending doom coming. Then I started feeling confused and I don’t remember much.

Suddenly I woke up in the hospital with my arms and legs tied to a hospital bed. I asked if it was a dream, nurses said no. My parents came in and told me what happened. Apparently they found me collapsed on the living room floor and had to drag me to the car to the hospital. It had been 3 days. They didn’t know what was wrong with me so they gave me narcan bc they thought I was on opioids. I wasn’t, and a side effect of narcan is it makes you thrash. So I was thrashing about and tied me down so they could keep the IVs in my arm. Then they brilliantly decided maybe I need more narcan and gave me more. I thrashed like a fish out of water for god knows how long, but my back has never been the same since. I basicslly wore out my intervertebral discs to a nub.

I’m doing much better now, about 10 years later. I have to rehab and stretch my compressed back every day but I’m playing golf plenty. My hair is much better now but still not quite the hairline I had before. I have much better sources of health information now. I never did edibles again, I quit using weed altogether like 4 years ago. Been working for 6-7 years now and my leg doesn’t bother me anymore

Edit: if anyone struggles from any of the health problems I mentioned in my post or comments, feel free to ask me. The health professionals i saw to help me with these problems were absolutely no help, and it fell on me to figure out all of these ailments and their treatments for myself through online research, trial and error. Feel free to ask and I can probably help with any of them

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