Connected For Life: The Incredible Story Of Abby And Brittany Hensel

Having a sister can be hard enough as it is. Now imagine you had to share everything with your sister…including your body. That’s what life is like every day for Minnesota sisters, Abby and Brittany Hensel. But despite being born conjoined, the sisters have become their own people and proven that life really is better together. Read on to learn about their incredible journey.

Born In 1990

The twins were born In rural Minnesota in 1990. Conjoined twins form in the very early weeks of pregnancy, sometimes even before the mother knows she’s pregnant. The Hansel twins are conjoined because a fertilized egg failed to separate inside their mother’s womb.

The twins may look like they share a complete body but in fact, they each have their own hearts, lungs, spines, stomachs, esophagus, gallbladder and kidneys. They do share a reproductive system, liver, rib cage, intestines, and circulatory system. From the waist down, all of their organs are shared. They were also born with a third arm but that was removed at birth.

They Have Separate Immune Systems


Despite sharing many of the same major organs, Abby and Brittany have separate immune systems. One of them can be totally healthy while the other one is horribly sick. In fact, Brittany has had pneumonia twice in her life and Abby has never had it.

The twins both agree that being sick is one of the few times they wish they were separated. When Brittany was ill as a child, Abby remembers wishing to be separated after being bored and restless while confined in the same bed as her sick sister. Brittany became so upset by the thought she cried uncontrollably until Abby assured her she wouldn’t leave her side.

They’re Very Active

Since the twins share the majority of their body, they’ve had to learn to work together to make it move. Thankfully they’ve had a lot of practice. The twins display an astonishing sense of coordination, each using one arm to perform tasks, including playing the piano, bowling, swimming, and other sports.

Abby, the right twin can’t feel anything on the left side of the body while Brittany, the left twin, can’t feel anything on her right side. Abby’s in charge of operating the right arm and leg while Brittany takes charge of the left arm and leg. Together they accomplish whatever they set their minds to.

Shared Body, Different Personalities


Despite sharing a body, Brittany and Abby are their own people. They have distinct and individual personalities. Abby prefers pink and girly clothing and shoes while Brittany is more of a tomboy. The twins have had different haircuts and hair colors, and have even gone as far as having their clothing tailored to have different necklines and hemlines.

Thankfully the twins have learned to compromise on a daily basis about what to wear and how to look. They’ve admitted to swapping off who chooses what to wear each day in order to keep one another feeling happy and unique.

They Plan To Get Married


Both Brittany and Abby remain optimistic that they will one day get married and have a family. Although neither of them has found Mr. Right yet, they both feel there are two guys out there who will love them the way they are.

Scientists have cautioned the girls about how difficult this step might be in their lives as they share a reproductive system. But the two have worked through everything else together in their 27 years of life and never let any other roadblocks deter them from achieving their goals. They will be sure to figure this out as well.

They Were Raised Right

Abby and Brittany’s parents have also encouraged them to be their own person despite their physical limitations. “When children ask the girls if they have two heads, they say they don’t, but that each has their own head. That’s what we have encouraged them to do, to develop their own individuality as much as possible,” explains their mom, Patty.

Brittany and Abby’s parents have carefully raised them to be their own person. When one girl did something wrong, they were sure to scold only one, not the other. It must have been difficult at times but it’s their strong upbringing that’s helped them become successful adults.

They’re Survivors


On the day the twins were born, doctors told their parents they probably wouldn’t even last the night. Thankfully they did and way surpassed where they were “supposed” to be physically and intellectually. Conjoined twins are extremely rare to begin with. About one in every 40,000 babies worldwide is born conjoined.

It’s even rarer that both Abby and Brittany survived. Only one percent of twins born conjoined survive more than a day. Brittany and Abby’s parents were given the option to separate the twins but declined. Doctors insisted it would be near impossible for both to survive the extensive procedures necessary to break them apart.

According To Doctors, Their Futures Are Uncertain


Although Brittany and Abby have beat all odds, their futures are still a bit uncertain. Female conjoined twins have a longer life expectancy and overall healthier lifestyle than male conjoined twins but they still face complications. Seventy percent of the world’s conjoined twins are female. Initially, Brittany and Abby’s doctors didn’t expect them to live beyond 24 hours.

They’ve had several surgeries to fix complications to their spine but overall maintained a very healthy body. Doctors still fear the girls might face some heart problems or other medical complications. Despite all that, doctors say the girls are “extraordinary” and “wonderfully blessed.”

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