(VIDEO)12 Epic ’80s Trends That Are Now Completely Extinct

Ah, the 1980s! It was an era when life was vibrant, and the world was undergoing rapid changes. Think about it. If we could hop in a time machine right now, where would it take us? Straight to the 80s, of course! We would find ourselves immersed in a world where every kid wanted a novelty phone, whether it be Garfield, Mickey Mouse, or even our beloved Snoopy.

Remember those phones? They weren’t just about receiving calls. They came alive. When someone called, Garfield’s eyes would open, Mickey’s ears would wiggle, and if you were lucky enough to have that Snoopy phone in your room, it might just light up. These phones, our friends, were symbols of who we were, what we loved. Every Christmas, they’d be on our wish list, and some of us even pleaded for our phone line.

And while we’re on the topic of staying fit, who here hasn’t tried to mimic Jane Fonda’s moves from her workout tapes? Our moms would dress in colorful leg warmers and leotards, and thanks to Jane, they brought the gym home. And let’s be honest, many of us kids couldn’t resist sneaking in to try out those aerobic moves, even if just for a laugh. It was more than fitness; it was a movement, a vibe that defined an era.

Let’s not forget about fashion. The 80s tracksuit! Those colorful, slick outfits that made us feel invincible. Whether you were part of the breakdancing culture or just wanted to fit in, tracksuits were our armor. And, oh! The crimped hair trend. Hours spent using that crimping iron, just to achieve the perfect corrugated look, flaunting it with as much pride as our ambitions.

Late-night TV was an adventure too. Infomercials offering insights into the unknown or the thrill of calling a hotline to chat with your favorite fictional character. Though, yes, that phone bill did bring us back to reality. But, for pure joy, nothing could beat the Snoopy snow cone machine. The taste of that colorful syrup over crushed ice, even if the flavor did get repetitive after a while, was simply heavenly.

Classrooms had overhead projectors, marking a shift from chalkboards. Teachers illustrated lessons on transparent sheets, and we diligently jotted notes. These gadgets paved the way for many innovative teaching methods that followed.

For many of us, our wrists boasted the Casio calculator watch – a marvel that combined timekeeping and arithmetic, and made us feel a tad more intelligent. And weekends? They were reserved for arcades. The thrill of gaming, the camaraderie, the joy of getting on the leaderboard; those arcades are etched in our memories.

The era was also marked by the rise of malls. Not just shopping centers, but hubs where we would spend hours, chatting with friends, munching on snacks, and occasionally splurging on something special.

Reflecting on the 80s, it feels like a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and experiences. An era when the world was as dynamic as our spirits. An era we cherish.

Curious to see more of these heartwarming moments? Dive into the video below. The golden age of the 80s is waiting to wrap you in its embrace. And hey, don’t forget to like and share, because reliving these memories keeps our hearts young and vibrant.

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