Experts Predict Arctic May Become “Mostly Ice-Free” Within a Decade

On September 19, 2023, the Arctic experienced its sixth-lowest minimum ice extent since NASA initiated satellite tracking. Simultaneously, at the opposite pole, the Antarctic witnessed its smallest maximum ice coverage in recorded history. This alarming trend, though not novel, appears to be exacerbating. Since NASA began satellite observations in 1978, Arctic sea ice has been … Read more

Find the hidden hedgehog

Challenge yourself with these optical brainteasers. If you’re feeling super sharp, up the ante: 45 seconds for puzzle. Game on! This little guy is hiding out in the forest, but we think you can spot him! This challenging puzzle comes to us courtesy of land conservation company Celtic Titles. Answer:  

(VIDEO)It Gets Down to The Nitty Gritty in This Dance Video. Which Boy Was the Best Dancer?

When it comes to unusual dancing styles, the 1960s generally have everyone beat. There’s twirling, gyrating, arm-waving, and head-bobbing, sometimes all of them in the same song! There’s also something else that I find missing in a lot of dance today: fun. There’s just something innocent about them bouncing around to the music. Take a … Read more

(VIDEO)This Actually Happened On Live TV, Eva Longoria Wardrobe Malfunction – Try Not To Gasp

Eva Longoria has made several appearances on “Late Show with David Letterman” over the years, showcasing her charm, wit, and humor. While specific details of each appearance can vary, Longoria typically engaged in lively banter with Letterman, discussing her career, projects she was working on, and sometimes sharing personal anecdotes. Given Longoria’s versatility as an … Read more

(VIDEO)This Deep Powerful Version Of ‘The Sound Of Silence’ Will Give You Chills

Ruhan du Toit and Deon van der Merwe are two musicians from South Africa collectively known as ‘Touch of Class.’ These two beloved local celebrities reached international acclaim thanks to their strong performance of the timeless Simon and Garfunkel track ‘Sound Of Silence.’ The dynamic duo Touch of Class hail from Pretoria, South Africa, and … Read more

(VIDEO)Choir Begins Singing ‘Lone Ranger’ Theme With Backs to the Crowd, When They Spin Around I Can’t Stop Laughing

The Timpanogos High School Choir was determined to entertain their audience with a twist on a well-known classical piece, The William Tell Overture. First of all, the choir sang the instrumental, in acapella. But that was not the only surprise from the teenagers… strong>When all of the singers turned their backs on the audience, one young … Read more