(VIDEO)Three Women Begin Singing ‘Delta Dawn’ – Suddenly Out of Nowhere, a Fourth Joins in, and It’s Magical

A lot of folks think country music is an American taste, but I’ll tell you what: It’s adored the world over, and all of the country classics that we Americans love are also loved by everyone else. That’s just country music for you.One of the  most memorable and favorite, yet least heard classic country songs is … Read more

(VIDEO)He Picked Up His Violin To Play “Hallelujah”. But HOW He Plays It Will Take Your Breath Away!

This wonderful video shows two talented musicians creating a marvelous rendition of the popular Leonard Cohen classic “Hallelujah”. The award-winning musician Rob Landes has used the effect of looping his instrument to create this masterpiece. It is a process that allows a recorded section of a song to playback immediately so that another tune can … Read more