Waitress’ Paycheck After Six Weeks Of Work Goes Viral

A waitress’ paycheck after six weeks of work has gone viral. 

Although tipping is not mandatory in the US, diners are often expected to add a gratuity, according to Travel Insider.

The average tip is 15 to 20% of the total meal cost – with 25% awarded for excellent service.

One server has now sparked a huge debate on the topic – after sharing her paycheck after six weeks of work.

Watch this pregnant waitress cry over her tip in the clip below…

The server, who is known only as Liny, has taken to TikTok and claimed that after taxes – including Medicare – she’s been paid just $0.01.

Outraged, she writes in the caption: “The f*** I’m gonna do with one penny Steven!”

Writing the video, she adds: “Life of a server… this is 6 weeks of ‘pay’.

“Tip your servers!!!”

Waitress' six week paycheck.

The waitress’ video has now gone viral on the social media platform and her clip has been viewed a staggering 1.9 million times.

Hundreds of people have taken to the comments and shared their support for Liny, urging people to tip their servers.

A fellow waitress writes: “As a server, we truly live off our tips.”

“Do not eat out if you aren’t willing to tip,” another adds. “That simple.”

“A lot of big broke energy,” a third person remarks.

While a fourth TikToker says: “When someone is taking your order and bringing your food, they are providing a service…”

“Common courtesy to tip… I always tip more than I should but that’s because they deserve to be paid,” someone else comments.

A sixth person pens: “Blame the business you’re working for, not the consumers.

“In other countries, they don’t need to tip because they pay a living wage.”

Others have taken to the comments section to say that servers shouldn’t rely on receiving tips.

“It’s not my job to pay your bills, I got my own to pay,” one viewer remarks.

Another says: “I am tired of the entitled attitudes of servers.

“Too many think tips are automatic, no matter how bad the service.”

“Tipping is optional, based on service quality,” a third person writes.

“I go to have a nice evening with my guy, not ‘I have to help pay her bills’.”

Tipping is not expected everywhere in the world.

In the UK, tips are discretionary and depend on the quality of the service you receive.

It is customary to leave 10 to 15% of the bill when eating out.

But it’s not customary to pay a tip for fast food, self-service or takeaway meals.

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