(VIDEO)Sleepy Bird Cuddles with Dad, But Listen to His Words as He Dozes Off. I Cracked Up!

Cats and dogs might be the most popular pets in the world, but birds aren’t far behind! Birds like parrots and parakeets offer plenty of charm and companionship without the mess that some other pets might make. They’re not just cute and relatively easy to care for—they’re also incredibly entertaining and often great conversationalists. Just … Read more

(VIDEO)A Pair of Affectionate Parrots Have A Very Human-Like Conversation Over Breakfast

Parrots are remarkably social creatures. Much like their human counterparts, they enjoy companionship and good conversation. In fact, parrot owners know you never get just one because they get lonely by themselves. In the video below, a couple of beautiful, talkative parrots are engaged in an amusing and very human-like conversation with each other over … Read more

A Wife Asks Her Husband To Spend A Lot Of Money

H: “Hey!” W: “Hey honey. Are you there in the nightclub?” H: Yes… W: “Excellent! Two blocks away from you is the mall where I am now. I just noticed this stunning mink coat. It’s really very beautiful! Is it available for purchase? H: “How much is it?” W: “Just $1,500.” H: “All right, then, … Read more

I just don’t wanna go to school!

Mom: Time to wake up and go to school! Son: No, I don’t wanna go to school today! Mom: But you have to go to school. Son: But, I don’t wanna go to school. Mom: Give me three good reasons why you should stay home, and I will give you three reasons why you need … Read more

Wife sent text to husband

Wife sent text to husband. “Hi I will get late, please cook dinner, then wash all dirty dishes and make sure you prepare our bed and put kids to sleep before I return….. She sent another text, “And I forgot to mention…. I have also bought a bottle of BLUE LABEL PREMIUM SCOTCH WHISKY for … Read more