(VIDEO)Nobody Caught This Wardrobe Mistake in ‘Pretty Woman’, Until Years Later

In the bustling streets of Los Angeles, where dreams and reality collide, Pretty Woman weaves a captivating story of love, redemption, and unlikely connections. Here’s a glimpse into this iconic romantic comedy:

  1. The Chance Encounter:
    • Edward Lewis, a wealthy corporate raider played by Richard Gere, stumbles upon Vivian Ward, a Hollywood Boulevard hooker portrayed by Julia Roberts.
    • Their worlds couldn’t be more different, yet fate brings them together.
  2. A Business Proposition:
    • Edward, in need of a companion for social events, hires Vivian for a week.
    • What starts as a business arrangement soon evolves into something deeper.
  3. Cinderella Transformation:
    • Vivian, with the help of hotel manager Barney Thompson (played by Hector Elizondo), transforms from a streetwalker to a sophisticated lady.
    • The Beverly Wilshire Hotel becomes her fairy godmother’s workshop.
  4. Love Beyond Expectations:
    • As Edward and Vivian spend time together, their hearts open.
    • Can love bridge the gap between their worlds?
  5. Unforgettable Moments:
    • The opera scene, the shopping spree on Rodeo Drive, and the fire escape rendezvous—all etched in cinematic history.
  6. Julia Roberts’ Breakthrough:
    • Julia Roberts’ luminous performance earned her a Golden Globe Award.
    • Her portrayal of Vivian remains iconic.

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